function anyfeed_slideshow(options) { /*--------------------------- Global Variables -------------------------*/ var pause_rate=5000,fade_rate=1000,loading_text='Loading...',media_type='content'; var container="#anyfeed_slideshow_main",xml_url="temp.xml",c_width="100%",perm_title_bar=false; var c_height="200px",navigation=true,title_bar=true,bgcolor='transparent',debug=false; var total=0,loaded=0,slideshow_handle,loading_handle,slide_i=(1),started=false,target='_blank'; var titlebar,fish,url,re,counter=0,first_time=true,is_loaded=false,maximages=50; for (var key in options) { if(eval(key+'!== undefined')) { eval(key+' = options.'+key+';'); } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ this.init = function() { // Set width and height jQuery(container).css({width: c_width, height: c_height}); anyfeed.loading_start(); // if(debug) {"Parsing XML"); } jQuery.ajax({ type: "GET", url: xml_url, dataType: "xml", timeout: 5000, success: function(xml) { if(navigation) { jQuery(container).html(jQuery(container).html()+'
'); } var media; jQuery(xml).find('description').each(function(){ media = jQuery(this).text(); return false; }); if(media == 'true'){ // Media feed (Flikr, Yahoo, etc) jQuery(xml).find('item').each(function(){ if(total >= maximages) { return false; } var title = jQuery(this).find('title').text(); var link = jQuery(this).find('link').text(); // if(debug) { console.log("Trying to parse media feed."); } jQuery(this).find('[nodeName=media\\:'+media_type+']').each(function(){ // if(debug) { console.log("Successful- pulling image."); } url = jQuery(this).attr('url'); // if(debug) { console.log(url); } if(url === null || url === "" || url === undefined) { // if(debug) { console.log("Skipped."); } } else{ anyfeed.loadImage(title, url, link); return false;} }); }); } else { // Regular RSS Feed (prep) // if(debug) { console.log("Trying to parse RSS feed."); } jQuery(xml).find('item').each(function(){ if(total >= maximages) { return false; } var tmpcounter = 0; var title = jQuery(this).find('title').text(); var link = jQuery(this).find('link').text(); // if(debug) {"Title: " + title); } // Regular RSS Feed // if(debug) { console.log("Attempting to find image attachments"); } jQuery(this).find('enclosure').each(function(){ // if(debug) {"Feed with image attachments"); } tmpcounter += 1; url = jQuery(this).attr('url'); // if(debug) { console.log(url); } if(url === null || url === "" || url === undefined) { // if(debug) { console.log("Skipped."); } } else{ anyfeed.loadImage(title, url, link); } }); // Feed without image attachments if(tmpcounter === 0) { // if(debug) { console.log("Attempting to find XML Content:encoded..."); } fish = jQuery(this).find('[nodeName=content\\:encoded]').text(); if(fish) { url = jQuery(fish).find('img').attr('src'); if(url === null || url === "" || url === undefined) { // if(debug) { console.log("Skipped."); } } else{ // if(debug) {"Feed without image attachments"); } // if(debug) { console.log("URL: " + url); } tmpcounter += 1; anyfeed.loadImage(title, url, link); } } // end check fish for content } // End feed without image attachments // Feed without Content, only descriptions if(tmpcounter === 0) { // if(debug) { console.log("Attempting to find images in description text..."); } fish = jQuery(this).find('description').text(); if(jQuery(fish).find('img').each(function(){return true;})) { url = jQuery(fish).find('img').attr('src'); // This gets rid of comment counts and some advertisements re = new RegExp("/(.*feedburner.*|.*ads\..*)/", "i"); m = re.exec(url); if (m===null && url!==undefined) { // if(debug) {"Feed without content "); } // if(debug) { console.log("URL: " + url); } tmpcounter + 1; anyfeed.loadImage(title, url, link); } else { // if(debug) { console.log("skipped."); } } } else { // if(debug) { console.log("Nothing here! Skipping."); } } } // End feed without content // if(debug) { console.groupEnd(); } }); } /****************** entry *******************************/ if(counter === 0) { // if(debug) { console.log("Trying to parse RSS feed."); } jQuery(xml).find('entry').each(function(){ if(total >= maximages) { return false; } var tmpcounter = 0; var title = jQuery(this).find('title').text(); var link = jQuery(this).find('link').text(); // if(debug) {"Title: " + title); } // if(debug) { console.log("Attempting to find image attachments"); } jQuery(this).find('link').each(function(){ if(jQuery(this).attr('rel') == 'enclosure') { // if(debug) {"Feed with image attachments"); } tmpcounter += 1; url = jQuery(this).attr('href'); // if(debug) { console.log(url); } if(url === null || url === "" || url === undefined) { // if(debug) { console.log("Skipped."); } } else{ anyfeed.loadImage(title, url, link); } } }); // if(debug) { console.groupEnd(); } }); } // End if Counter ===0 if(counter === 0) { title = 'No images found' link = '' anyfeed.loadImage(title, '', link); } jQuery(container).hover( function() { if(is_loaded){ if(!perm_title_bar) { jQuery("div.anyfeed_titlebar").fadeIn(fade_rate / 5); } if(loaded > 1)jQuery("div.anyfeed_navigation").fadeIn(fade_rate / 5); setTimeout(function() {jQuery("div.anyfeed_titlebar").css({display: "block"});},fade_rate / 3); if(loaded > 1)setTimeout(function() {jQuery("div.anyfeed_navigation").css({display: "block"});},fade_rate / 3); } started = false; clearTimeout(slideshow_handle); }, function () { if(!perm_title_bar) { jQuery("div.anyfeed_titlebar").fadeOut(fade_rate / 2); } if(loaded > 1) jQuery("div.anyfeed_navigation").fadeOut(fade_rate / 2); setTimeout(function() {jQuery("div.anyfeed_titlebar").css({display: "none"});},fade_rate / 2); anyfeed.start(); } ); // if(debug) { console.groupEnd(); } // if(debug) {"Loading Images..."); } }, error: function() { // if(debug){jQuery(container).html("Failed to retreive XML file."); } } }); } /******************************************************************************** START */ this.start = function() { // if(debug) { console.groupEnd(); } if(!started){ if(first_time) { anyfeed.loading_stop(1); is_loaded=true; jQuery("#anyfeed_photo_1").fadeIn(fade_rate); if(total == 1){return false;} first_time = false; } started = true; slideshow_handle = setInterval(function() { if(slide_i >= total){ var fadethis="#anyfeed_photo_"+(total); slide_i = 1; } else { var fadethis = "#anyfeed_photo_"+(slide_i); slide_i = slide_i + 1; } // if(debug){ console.log("Photo "+ slide_i + "/" +total);} setTimeout(function(){ jQuery(fadethis).fadeOut(fade_rate); }, fade_rate / 2); jQuery("#anyfeed_photo_"+slide_i).fadeIn(fade_rate); }, pause_rate + fade_rate); } } /********************************************************************************* NEXT */ = function(){ if(slide_i >= total){ var fadethis="#anyfeed_photo_"+(total); slide_i = 1; } else { var fadethis="#anyfeed_photo_"+(slide_i); slide_i = slide_i + 1; } setTimeout(function(){ // if(debug){ console.log("Photo "+ slide_i + "/" +total);} jQuery(fadethis).fadeOut(fade_rate / 3); }, fade_rate / 6); jQuery("#anyfeed_photo_"+slide_i).fadeIn(fade_rate / 3); } /********************************************************************************* PREV */ this.prev = function(){ if(slide_i <= 1){ var fadethis="#anyfeed_photo_"+total; slide_i = total; }else { var fadethis="#anyfeed_photo_"+slide_i; slide_i = slide_i - 1; } setTimeout(function(){ // if(debug){ console.log("Photo "+ slide_i + "/" +total);} jQuery(fadethis).fadeOut(fade_rate / 3); }, fade_rate / 6); jQuery("#anyfeed_photo_"+slide_i).fadeIn(fade_rate / 3); } /************************************************************************ LOADING_START */ this.loading_start = function() { jQuery(container).html('
'); jQuery('#anyfeed_slideshow_loading').css({opacity: 0.1}); loading_handle = setInterval(function() { jQuery("#anyfeed_slideshow_loading").animate( { opacity: 0.5 }, 1400, function() { jQuery("#anyfeed_slideshow_loading").animate( { opacity: 0.1 }, 1400); }); }, 3000); // End setInterval } // End loading_start /************************************************************************* LOADING_STOP */ this.loading_stop = function(when) { if(started) {return false;} setTimeout(function(){ clearTimeout(loading_handle); jQuery('#anyfeed_slideshow_loading') .stop(true) .fadeOut(100, 'swing', function() { document.getElementById("anyfeed_slideshow_loading").style.display = "none"; is_loaded = true; }); }, when); } // End loading_stop /**************************************************************************** LOADIMAGE */ this.loadImage = function(title, url, link) { if(total >= maximages) { return false; } counter = counter + 1; total = total + 1; var i1 = new Image(); i1.onload = function() { loaded = loaded + 1; if(perm_title_bar) {var h = ' style="display: block !important;" '; } else {var h = ''; } if(title_bar){ titlebar='
';} else{ titlebar = ''; } jQuery(container).html(jQuery(container).html()+'
'); // if(debug) { console.log("Added."); } if(loaded == total){ anyfeed.start(); } }; i1.onabort = function() { total = total - 1; // if(debug) { console.log('Failed to download image.'); } }; i1.onerror = function() { total = total - 1; // if(debug) { console.log('Failed to download image.'); } if(total == 0) { titlebar='
Images failed to load
'; jQuery(container).html(jQuery(container).html()+'
'); total=1; loaded=1; anyfeed.start(); } }; i1.src = url; } /********************************************************************************** DIE */ this.die = function() { started = false; clearTimeout(slideshow_handle); } /**************************************************************************** GETDATA */ this.getData = function() { alert( ('loaded: '+loaded)+"\r\n"+ ('total: '+total)+"\r\n"+ ('maximages: '+maximages)+"\r\n"+ ('counter: '+counter)+"\r\n"+ ('started: '+started) ); } } // End Class function var anyfeed; jQuery(document).ready(function(){ anyfeed = new anyfeed_slideshow({ pause_rate: 5000, fade_rate: 1000, media_type: 'thumbnail', loading_text: 'Loading...', title_bar: false, perm_title_bar: false, navigation: false, c_width: '100%', c_height: 'transparent', c_height: '200px', bgcolor: 'transparent', target: '_self', xml_url: '', maximages: '4', debug: false }); anyfeed.init(); });